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Some Short-Term Limits To Further Dovish BoE Repricing


GBP STIRs reflect greater odds of a rate cut at the BoE’s August meeting vs. pre-June MPC levels, with ~14.5bps cuts priced through Aug, ~21.5bp through Sep and ~46.5bp through year end.

  • Any extension of the recent dovish repricing is probably contingent on a handful of factors, which could mean that markets struggle to push meaningfully beyond pricing 50-55bp of ’24 cuts in the next couple of weeks (~51bp represents last week's dovish extreme for Dec '24 BoE -dated OIS).
  • Data - we don’t have any significant UK releases until the BoE’s DMP survey (July 4), while last week’s MPC decision de-emphasised data, in our view.
  • BoE speeches - the Bank is in an election-related blackout through July 4.
  • Cross-market pricing - particular focus on the Fed.
  • Note that all of the sell-side analyst comments covered in our BoE review look for a cut in August.
BoE MeetingSONIA BoE-Dated OIS (%)Difference Vs. Current Effective SONIA Rate (bp)

Source: MNI - Market News/Bloomberg. 2025 meeting dates are estimated.

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GBP STIRs reflect greater odds of a rate cut at the BoE’s August meeting vs. pre-June MPC levels, with ~14.5bps cuts priced through Aug, ~21.5bp through Sep and ~46.5bp through year end.

  • Any extension of the recent dovish repricing is probably contingent on a handful of factors, which could mean that markets struggle to push meaningfully beyond pricing 50-55bp of ’24 cuts in the next couple of weeks (~51bp represents last week's dovish extreme for Dec '24 BoE -dated OIS).
  • Data - we don’t have any significant UK releases until the BoE’s DMP survey (July 4), while last week’s MPC decision de-emphasised data, in our view.
  • BoE speeches - the Bank is in an election-related blackout through July 4.
  • Cross-market pricing - particular focus on the Fed.
  • Note that all of the sell-side analyst comments covered in our BoE review look for a cut in August.
BoE MeetingSONIA BoE-Dated OIS (%)Difference Vs. Current Effective SONIA Rate (bp)

Source: MNI - Market News/Bloomberg. 2025 meeting dates are estimated.