January 28, 2025 11:48 GMT
POWER: Spanish Hydro Stocks Rose in Week 4
Spanish hydropower reserves last week - calendar week 4 – increased by 2.3 percentage points to 54.3% of capacity, widening the surplus to the five-year averaged, data from Spain’s Environmental Ministry showed.
- Stocks declined by 0.6 points the week prior.
- Stocks widened the surplus to last year’s levels to 3.5 points, compared with 1.5 points the week before.
- The surplus to the five-year average also widened to 2.4 points, compared with 1 point the week prior.
- Power demand in Spain last week edged down to 29.57GW, from 30.68GW the week prior.
- Spanish nuclear output was broadly stable last week at 7.08GW.
- Hydropower output from pumped storage last week declined by 288MW to 1.01GW. Output from reservoirs fell by 400MW to 2.87GW. Run-of-river generation was broadly stable at 1.18GW.
- Gas-fired power generation in Spain last week declined by 1.83GW to 6.19GW.
- Wind output in Spain increased by 3.67GW last week to 9.3GW.
- Precipitation in the hydro-intensive region of Huesca last week totalled 6.1mm, broadly in line with the 30-year normal of 7mm.
- Looking ahead, the latest ECMWF forecast suggested precipitation to pick up this week to total 37.2mm, well above the seasonal average of 6.4mm.
- Mean temperatures in Madrid this week are forecast to be above the seasonal average for the first half of this week, before turning colder. Mean temperatures are forecast between 3.4C and 12.8C this week.
- Wind output in Spain for the remainder of this week (Wed-Sun) is forecast at 6.34GW to 15.96GW during base-load hours according to SpotRenewables.

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