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The Conservative/Labour Brexit dance..........>

MNI (London)
CABLE: The Conservative/Labour Brexit dance continues, though still undecided to
who is leading. Hopes abound that some kind of resolution to the Brexit saga can
be agreed, which would stand a chance of passing through Parliament. However, as
a passive observer one would think that either side is trying to pull the other
off-side rather than achieve a exit agreement. The market retains some hope that
the UK has moved a little further away from a no-deal scenario with an extension
expected to be applied for on Wednesday, and hopefully granted. Talk currently
suggests 9-months, with the Govt making plans for the European elections in
case. Cable seen in consolidation phase with a slight underlying buoyant tone.
Rate edged up from an early Asian low of $1.3027 to $1.3072 ahead of London,
whereupon it slowly drifted off to a post 1600BST fix low of $1.3035 before it
picked up fresh demand that took it to $1.3074 at the Europe close. 
- Resistance seen into $1.3080, $1.3100 and $1.3120/25. Support $1.3035/25,
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-586-2231 |
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-586-2231 |

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