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US Data: Primary Dealer Securities Positions - Details

As of December 6, 2017
Source:  U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of New York                              
Figures in millions of U.S. dollars                                         
Total net position and level changes calculated by MNI
Wednesday-to-Wednesday                06-Dec-17  29-Nov-17  22-Nov-17  15-Nov-17
U.S. Government Securities (excl
Treasury Bills                             5649      14459      18941      15427
Coupon Securities
due in less than or equal to 2
years                                     23615      27194      25725      23738
due in more than 2 years but less
than or equal to 3 years                  -4602      -7635      -5005      -4280
due in more than 3 years but less
than or equal to 6 years                   9603      16759      12582      15866
due in more than 6 years but less
than or equal to 7 years                  11956      14648       9318       8216
due in more than 7 years but less
than or equal to 11 years                  1546      -2779        662       2283
due in more than 11 years                 24316      28270      25681      24871
U.S.Floating Rate Notes
Floating Rate Notes                        4790       5644       6245       2312
U.S. Treasury Inflation-Protected
Securities (TIPS)
due in less than or equal to 2
years                                      3148       3465       3439       5812
due in more than 2 years but less
than or equal to 6 years                    340        275         19       -921
due in more than 6 years but less
than or equal to 11 years                  3746       5041       5456       2416
due in more than 11 years                   933        516        493       1106
Total U.S. Government Securities          85040     105857     103556      96846
Federal Agency and Government
Sponsored Enterprise Securities
Discount Notes                             4228       2544       5036       7980
Coupon Securities                         15376      15837      19333      21908
Total Federal Agency and
Government Sponsored Enterprise
Securities                                19604      18381      24369      29888
(excluding Mortgage-backed
Mortgage-backed Securities
Federal Agency and GSE MBS
Federal Agency and GSE Residential
Pass-through MBS                           5055       8303      11063      15509
All Other Federal Agency and GSE
Residential MBS                           24934      25359      23795      24167
Federal Agency and GSE CMBS                3079       2835       2669       2384
Non-Agency MBS
Non-Agency Residential MBS                 7735       7776       8230       7915
Other CMBS                                 6389       6365       6653       6744
Total Mortgage-backed Securities          47192      50638      52410      56719
Corporate Securities
Commercial paper                          10649       7300      10024      10682
Investment grade bonds, notes, and
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                     3210       3365       2782       3087
due in 13 months to 5 years                5028       6408       7125       8171
due in 5 years to 10 years                 3091       4353       4318       4086
due in more than 10 years                   585       1025        768       1298
Below investment grade bonds,
notes, and debentures
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                      589        630        707        710
due in 13 months to 5 years                2518       2428       2441       2572
due in 5 years to 10 years                   12        239       -188        423
due in more than 10 years                   980        767        809        886
Total Corporate Securities                26662      26515      28786      31915
State and Municipal Government
State and Municipal Government
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                     1510       1470       1608       1491
due in 13 months to 5 years                1969       2036       2469       2593
due in 5 years to 10 years                 3111       2879       3264       3237
due in more than 10 years                 11090       9951       9712       9867
Variable rate demand notes                 3282       3752       3449       3262
Total State and Municipal
Government Obligations                    20962      20088      20502      20450
Asset-backed Securities
Credit card-backed securities              1189       1346       1583       1864
Student loan-backed securities             3774       3789       3779       3691
Automobile loan-backed securities          1983       1869       1867       1970
Other asset-backed securities              3883       3802       3863       4073
Total Asset-backed securities             10829      10806      11092      11598
Level Changes
U.S. Government Securities (excl
Treasury Bills                            -8810      -4482       3514     -13126
Coupon Securities
due in less than or equal to 2
years                                     -3579       1469       1987     -12297
due in more than 2 years but less
than or equal to 3 years                   3033      -2630       -725      -1258
due in more than 3 years but less
than or equal to 6 years                  -7156       4177      -3284       9404
due in more than 6 years but less
than or equal to 7 years                  -2692       5330       1102       2859
due in more than 7 years but less
than or equal to 11 years                  4325      -3441      -1621      -6214
due in more than 11 years                 -3954       2589        810       1368
U.S.Floating Rate Notes
Floating Rate Notes                        -854       -601       3933       -460
U.S. Treasury Inflation-Protected
Securities (TIPS)
due in less than or equal to 2
years                                      -317         26      -2373       -214
due in more than 2 years but less
than or equal to 6 years                     65        256        940       -423
due in more than 6 years but less
than or equal to 11 years                 -1295       -415       3040       -600
due in more than 11 years                   417         23       -613        347
Total U.S. Government Securities         -20817       2301       6710     -20614
Federal Agency and Government
Sponsored Enterprise Securities
Discount Notes                             1684      -2492      -2944       2265
Coupon Securities                          -461      -3496      -2575       3316
Total Federal Agency and
Government Sponsored Enterprise
Securities                                 1223      -5988      -5519       5581
(excluding Mortgage-backed
Mortgage-backed Securities
Federal Agency and GSE MBS
Federal Agency and GSE Residential
Pass-through MBS                          -3248      -2760      -4446       2251
All Other Federal Agency and GSE
Residential MBS                            -425       1564       -372      -2710
Federal Agency and GSE CMBS                 244        166        285      -3356
Non-Agency MBS
Non-Agency Residential MBS                  -41       -454        315       -766
Other CMBS                                   24       -288        -91       -261
Total Mortgage-backed Securities          -3446      -1772      -4309      -4842
Corporate Securities
Commercial paper                           3349      -2724       -658        -14
Investment grade bonds, notes, and
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                     -155        583       -305       -704
due in 13 months to 5 years               -1380       -717      -1046      -1294
due in 5 years to 10 years                -1262         35        232        637
due in more than 10 years                  -440        257       -530        241
Below investment grade bonds,
notes, and debentures
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                      -41        -77         -3        203
due in 13 months to 5 years                  90        -13       -131        388
due in 5 years to 10 years                 -227        427       -611        194
due in more than 10 years                   213        -42        -77         95
Total Corporate Securities                  147      -2271      -3129       -254
State and Municipal Government
State and Municipal Government
due in less than or equal to 13
months                                       40       -138        117       -137
due in 13 months to 5 years                 -67       -433       -124        -78
due in 5 years to 10 years                  232       -385         27        447
due in more than 10 years                  1139        239       -155        229
Variable rate demand notes                 -470        303        187       -611
Total State and Municipal
Government Obligations                      874       -414         52       -150
Asset-backed Securities
Credit card-backed securities              -157       -237       -281        654
Student loan-backed securities              -15         10         88       -170
Automobile loan-backed securities           114          2       -103        304
Other asset-backed securities                81        -61       -210          5
Total Asset-backed securities                23       -286       -506        793
--MNI Washington Bureau; tel: +1 202-371-2121; email:

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