February 10, 2025 17:11 GMT
US NATGAS: US Heating Demand Seen 2 HDD Above Normal This Week
US heating demand for the week ending Feb. 15 is forecast to be 2 heating degree days (HDD) above the long-term normal, according to Bloomberg, citing the NOAA.
- The regions with the largest deviation from the normal are the, South Atlantic 25 HDD below average, E S Central, 21 HDD below average, and E N Central 16 HDD above average.
- In terms of states with the greatest deviations, Montana is forecast to be 112 HDD above average, followed North Dakota at 109 HDD above normal and Minnesota at 78 HDD above average.
- This week’s total forecast for HDD is 190, compared to a normal of 188 and up from the actual figure of 161 from last week.
- During the week to Feb. 8, the US was 36 HDD below normal.
- Heating degree days measure energy demand to heat buildings. It is the number of degrees that the mean daily temperature is below a 65-degree Fahrenheit base. Greater numbers mean colder temperatures.

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