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US News Events Calendar

Repeats Story Initially Transmitted at 21:06 GMT Jun 7/17:06 EST Jun 7
Date     ET        Event
12-Jun    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
13-Jun    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
13-Jun  1400       FOMC policy announcement, in Washington.
13-Jun  1430       Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell to hold a press
                     conference following the FOMC meeting in Washington.
18-Jun  1300       Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank President Raphael Bostic to
                     speak at the Rotary Club of Savannah in Savannah, with
                     audience and media Q&A.
05-Jul  1400       The Federal Reserve releases minutes for the June 12-13
                     FOMC meeting in Washington
18-Jul  1400       Federal Reserve releases the Beige Book for upcoming FOMC
                     meeting in Washington.
31-Jul    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
01-Aug    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
01-Aug  1400       FOMC policy announcement, in Washington.
22-Aug  1400       The Federal Reserve releases the minutes from the July 31st
                     - August 1st FOMC meeting in Washington
07-Sep  0830       Boston Federal Reserve Bank President Eric Rosengren to
                     give opening remarks at the Boston Federal Reserve 62nd
                     Economic Conference: What Are the Consequences of Long
                     Spells of Low Interest Rates" in Boston.
07-Sep  0900       Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank President Loretta Mester to
                     lead a panel discussion on "Reality Check from the Markets"
                     at the Boston Federal Reserve 62nd Economic Conference:
                     What Are the Consequences of Long Spells of Low Interest
                     Rates in Boston.
08-Sep  1045       Boston Federal Reserve Bank President Eric Rosengren and
                     co-authors to present paper on "Some Unpleasant
                     Stabilization Arithmetic" at the Boston Federal Reserve
                     62nd Economic Conference: What Are the Consequences of Long
                     Spells of Low Interest Rates, in Boston.
12-Sep  1400       Federal Reserve releases the Beige Book for upcoming FOMC
                     meeting in Washington.
25-Sep    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
26-Sep    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
26-Sep  1400       FOMC policy announcement, in Washington.
01-Oct  1215       Boston Federal Reserve Bank President Eric Rosengren to
                     speak at the 60th NABE Annual Meeting in Boston.
02-Oct  1200       Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell to speak at the 60th
                     Annual NABE Annual Meeting in Boston.
03-Oct    -        Federal Reserve Vice Chairman for Supervision Randal
                     Quarles to deliver keynote address at the Sixth Annual
                     Community Banking in the 21st Century Conference in St
04-Oct    -        Federal Reserve Vice Chairman for Supervision Randal
                     Quarles to deliver keynote address at the Sixth Annual
                     Community Banking in the 21st Century Conference in St
17-Oct  1400       The Federal Reserve releases the minutes for the September
                     25-26 FOMC meeting in Washington.
24-Oct  1400       Federal Reserve releases the Beige Book for upcoming FOMC
                     meeting in Washington.
07-Nov    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
08-Nov    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
08-Nov  1400       FOMC policy announcement, in Washington.
05-Dec  1400       Federal Reserve releases the Beige Book for upcoming FOMC
                     meeting in Washington.
18-Dec    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
19-Dec    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
19-Dec  1400       FOMC policy announcement, in Washington.
29-Jan    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
30-Jan    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
--MNI Washington Bureau; +1 202-371-2121; email:

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