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US News Events Calendar

Repeats Story Initially Transmitted at 20:06 GMT Dec 1/15:06 EST Dec 1
Date     ET        Event
05-Dec  1000       U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban
                     Affairs to consider nomination of Jerome Powell to be
                     Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
                     System in Washington.
12-Dec    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
13-Dec    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
13-Dec  1400       FOMC policy announcement, in Washington.
13-Dec  1430       Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen press conference, in
19-Dec  1310       Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President Neel Kashkari to
                     participate in moderated Q&A at Lambda Alpha International
                     - Minnesota Chapter in Roseville, Minnesota, with audience
03-Jan  1400       Federal Reserve releases minutes from the December 12-13
                     FOMC meeting in Washington.
30-Jan    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
31-Jan    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
31-Jan  1400       FOMC policy announcement, in Washington.
20-Mar    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
21-Mar    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
21-Mar  1400       FOMC policy announcement, in Washington.
01-May    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
02-May    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
02-May  1400       FOMC policy announcement, in Washington.
12-Jun    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
13-Jun    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
13-Jun  1400       FOMC policy announcement, in Washington.
31-Jul    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
01-Aug    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
01-Aug  1400       FOMC policy announcement, in Washington.
25-Sep    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
26-Sep    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
26-Sep  1400       FOMC policy announcement, in Washington.
07-Nov    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
08-Nov    -        FOMC policy meeting, in Washington.
08-Nov  1400       FOMC policy announcement, in Washington.
--MNI Washington Bureau; +1 202-371-2121; email:

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