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US Treasury Maturing Issues Calendar

Repeats Story Initially Transmitted at 20:35 GMT Dec 4/15:35 EST Dec 4
Source: U.S. Treasury, Monthly Statement of Public Debt
Billions of U.S. dollars
                                 Yield or
Marketable                Issue  Interest   Maturity
Security      Amount       Date      Rate       Date
4-wk bills    50.000  09-Nov-17    1.035%  07-Dec-17
3-mo bills    39.000  07-Sep-17    1.020%  07-Dec-17
6-mo bills    33.000  08-Jun-17    1.070%  07-Dec-17
52-wk bills   20.000  08-Dec-16    0.830%  07-Dec-17
37-day bills  50.000  01-Nov-17    1.030%  08-Dec-17
4-wk bills    50.000  16-Nov-17    1.045%  14-Dec-17
3-mo bills    39.000  14-Sep-17    1.035%  14-Dec-17
6-mo bills    33.000  15-Jun-17    1.100%  14-Dec-17
3-yr note     25.000  15-Dec-14    1.000%  15-Dec-17
4-wk bills    45.000  22-Nov-17    1.130%  21-Dec-17
3-mo bills    42.000  21-Sep-17    1.045%  21-Dec-17
6-mo bills    33.000  22-Jun-17    1.120%  21-Dec-17
4-wk bill     45.000  30-Nov-17    1.170%  28-Dec-17
3-mo bills    42.000  28-Sep-17    1.050%  28-Dec-17
6-mo bills    33.000  29-Jun-17    1.110%  28-Dec-17
2-yr note     26.000  31-Dec-15    1.056%  31-Dec-17
5-yr note     35.000  31-Dec-12    0.769%  31-Dec-17
7-yr note     30.454  31-Dec-10    2.830%  31-Dec-17
123-day CMB   40.000  01-Sep-17    1.060%  02-Jan-18
3-mo bills    42.000  05-Oct-17    1.050%  04-Jan-18
6-mo bills    33.000  06-Jul-17    1.130%  04-Jan-18
52-wk bills   20.000  05-Jan-17    0.870%  04-Jan-18
3-mo bills    42.000  12-Oct-17    1.085%  11-Jan-18
6-mo bills    33.000  13-Jul-17    1.125%  11-Jan-18
3-yr note     24.000  15-Jan-15    0.875%  15-Jan-18
10-yr TIPS     8.000  15-Jan-08    1.625%  15-Jan-18
3-mo bills    42.000  19-Oct-17    1.090%  18-Jan-18
6-mo bills    33.000  20-Jul-17    1.10%%  18-Jan-18
3-mo bills    42.000  26-Oct-17    1.105%  25-Jan-18
6-mo bills    33.000  27-Jul-17    1.130%  25-Jan-18
2-yr note     26.470  01-Feb-16    0.750%  31-Jan-18
2-yr FRN      41.273  01-Feb-16    0.272%  31-Jan-18
5-yr note     35.000  31-Jan-13    0.875%  31-Jan-18
7-yr note     29.578  31-Jan-11    2.625%  31-Jan-18
3-mo bills    42.000  02-Nov-17    1.130%  01-Feb-18
26-wk bills   33.000  03-Aug-17    1.130%  01-Feb-18
52-wk bills   20.000  02-Feb-17    0.810%  01-Feb-18
3-mo bills    42.000  09-Nov-17    1.185%  08-Feb-18
6-mo bills    33.000  10-Aug-17    1.140%  08-Feb-18
3-mo bills    42.000  16-Nov-17    1.240%  15-Feb-18
3-yr note     24.001  17-Feb-15    1.000%  15-Feb-18
10-yr note    39.205  15-Feb-08    3.500%  15-Feb-18
6-mo bills    33.000  17-Aug-17    1.115%  18-Feb-18
3-mo bills    42.000  22-Nov-17    1.285%  22-Feb-18
6-mo bills    33.000  24-Aug-17    1.115%  22-Feb-18
2-yr note     34.713  29-Feb-16    0.750%  28-Feb-18
5-yr note     35.000  28-Feb-13    0.750%  28-Feb-18
7-yr note     30.593  28-Feb-11    2.750%  28-Feb-18
3-mo bills    42.000  30-Nov-17    1.285%  01-Mar-18
6-mo bills    33.000  31-Aug-17    1.115%  01-Mar-18
52-wk bills   20.000  02-Mar-17    0.850%  01-Mar-18
6-mo bills    33.000  07-Sep-17    1.115%  08-Mar-18
6-mo bills    33.000  14-Sep-17    1.140%  15-Mar-18
3-yr note     24.000  16-Mar-15    1.104%  15-Mar-18
6-mo bills    36.000  21-Sep-17    1.180%  22-Mar-18
6-mo bills    36.000  28-Sep-17    1.170%  29-Mar-18
52-wk bills   20.000  30-Mar-17    1.025%  29-Mar-18
2-yr note     32.194  31-Mar-16    0.877%  31-Mar-18
5-yr note     35.000  01-Apr-13    0.760%  31-Mar-18
7-yr note     30.300  31-Mar-11    2.895%  31-Mar-18
6-mo bills    36.000  05-Oct-17    1.190%  05-Apr-18
6-mo bills    36.000  12-Oct-17    1.220%  12-Apr-18
3-yr note     24.000  15-Apr-15    0.865%  15-Apr-18
5-yr TIPS     18.000  30-Apr-13   -1.311%  15-Apr-18
6-mo bills    36.000  19-Oct-17    1.240%  19-Apr-18
6-mo bills    36.000  26-Oct-17    1.245%  24-Apr-18
52-wk bills    20.00  27-Apr-17    1.060%  26-Apr-18
2-yr FRN      45.000  02-May-16    0.190%  30-Apr-18
2-yr note     32.905  02-May-16    0.842%  30-Apr-18
5-yr note     35.000  30-Apr-13    0.710%  30-Apr-18
7-yr note     30.830  02-May-11    2.712%  30-Apr-18
6-mo bills    36.000  02-Nov-17    1.260%  03-May-18
6-mo bills    36.000  09-Nov-17    1.300%  10-May-18
3-yr note     24.543  15-May-15    1.000%  15-May-18
10-yr note    23.077  15-May-08    3.875%  15-May-18
6-mo bills    36.000  16-Nov-17    1.360%  17-May-18
6-mo bills    36.000  22-Nov-17    1.415%  24-May-18
52-wk bills   20.000  25-May-17    1.145%  24-May-18
6-mo bills    36.000  30-Nov-17    1.435%  31-May-18
2-yr note     32.631  31-May-16    0.875%  31-May-18
5-yr note     35.000  31-May-13    1.000%  31-May-18
7-yr note     31.441  31-May-11    2.375%  31-May-18
3-yr note     24.000  15-Jun-15    1.125%  15-Jun-18
52-wk bills   20.000  22-Jun-17    1.215%  21-Jun-18
2-yr note     29.793  30-Jun-16    0.625%  30-Jun-18
5-yr note     35.000  01-Jul-13    1.375%  30-Jun-18
7-yr note     29.934  30-Jun-11    2.375%  30-Jun-18
3-yr note     24.000  15-Jul-15    0.875%  15-Jul-18
10-yr TIPS     6.000  15-Oct-08    1.375%  15-Jul-18
52-wk bills   20.000  20-Jul-17    1.190%  19-Jul-18
2-yr note     27.816  01-Aug-16    0.750%  31-Jul-18
2-yr FRN      15.000  01-Aug-16    0.174%  31-Jul-18
5-yr note     35.000  31-Jul-13    1.375%  31-Jul-18
7-yr note     29.864  01-Aug-11    2.250%  31-Jul-18
3-yr note     24.000  17-Aug-15    1.000%  15-Aug-18
52-wk bills   20.000  17-Aug-17    1.230%  16-Aug-18
2-yr note     26.000  31-Aug-16    0.750%  31-Aug-18
5-yr note     35.000  03-Sep-13    1.500%  31-Aug-18
7-yr note     29.000  31-Aug-11    1.500%  31-Aug-18
52-wk bills   20.000  14-Sep-17    1.240%  13-Sep-18
3-yr note     24.000  15-Sep-15    1.000%  15-Sep-18
2-yr note     26.000  30-Sep-16    0.750%  30-Sep-18
5-yr note     35.000  30-Sep-13    1.375%  30-Sep-18
7-yr note     29.000  30-Sep-11    1.375%  30-Sep-18
52-wk bills   20.000  12-Oct-17    1.365%  11-Oct-18
3-yr note     24.000  15-Oct-15    0.875%  15-Oct-18
2-yr FRN      13.000  31-Oct-16    0.170%  31-Oct-18
2-yr note     27.571  31-Oct-16    0.750%  31-Oct-18
5-yr note     35.000  31-Oct-13    1.250%  31-Oct-18
7-yr note     30.103  31-Oct-11    1.750%  31-Oct-18
52-wk bills   20.000  09-Nov-17    1.485%  08-Nov-18
3-yr note     24.123  16-Nov-15    1.250%  15-Nov-18
2-yr note     28.764  30-Nov-16    1.000%  30-Nov-18
5-yr note     35.000  02-Dec-13    1.250%  30-Nov-18
7-yr note     30.314  30-Nov-11    1.375%  30-Nov-18
3-yr note     24.000  15-Dec-15    1.250%  15-Dec-18
2-yr note     26.000  03-Jan-17    1.250%  31-Dec-18
5-yr note     35.000  31-Dec-13    1.500%  31-Dec-18
7-yr note     29.000  03-Jan-12    1.375%  31-Dec-18
--MNI Washington Bureau; +1 212-800-8517; email:

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