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     US TSYS SUMMARY: Treasuries end wild Friday higher as ex-Trump NSA Advisor
Flynn pled guilty to lying to federal agents, will cooperate with Spec Counsel
Mueller; Flynn said wld testify vs US Pres. Trump. http://Wh.House: Flynn plea
only pertains to Flynn. Tsys thus had safe-haven rally on Flynn news, after Tsys
declined earlier on view the US tax plan can pass in Senate. 
- Tsys later turned focus back to Senate, where most GOP holdouts' wants appear
to have been put into tax bill; GOP leaders said they have votes to pass bill;
not clear when final vote is. Dems' moves to delay such bill did not succeed. 
- Massive risk-off sales in US Stocks on Flynn news, gold surged, US$ had
fallen. Tsys heavy buying, stops hit on way up, curve flatteners/ steepener
unwinds, large Block buying in 10s. Block sales as Tsys trimmed gains, very
choppy trade on heavy volume (TYH>2.75M). Heavy Block sale -28.5k FVH early,
cash sales 2s and 3s, multiple flatteners. Tsys scale back gains early in second
half as focus turned back to Tax vote. 
- TSYS 3PM ET: US 2Y 1.778%, 3Y 1.889%, 5Y 2.118%, 7Y 2.271%, 10Y 2.363%, 30Y
US TSY FUTURES CLOSE: Broadly higher by the bell but well off late morning
highs, tale of two-sessions. Tsys had been scaling back late morning gains to
little better than opening levels early in second half. Renewed buying late as
tx-bill debate continues on Senate floor. Current futures levels: * Mar Ultra
bonds up 2-10/32 at 167-06 (164-28L/168-12H) 
* Mar 30-yr Bond futures up 1-19/32 at 153-10 (151-23L/154-06H) 
* Mar 10-yr futures up 12/32 at 124-13.5 (123-30L/124-27.5H) 
* Mar 5-yr futures up 3.75/32 at 116-14.75 (116-06.5L/116-22.75H) 
* Mar 2-yr futures up .25/32 at 107-06.75 (107-04.25L/107-09.25H)
US EURODLR FUTURES CLOSE: Higher across the strip but well off midday highs by
the the close. Heavy volume w/better buying preceding two-way flow, Red Dec18
leads w/over 610k. Current White pack (Dec'17-Sep'18): 
* Dec'17 +0.002 at 98.452 
* Mar'18 +0.002 at 98.275 
* Jun'18 +0.015 at 98.120 
* Sep'18 +0.015 at 98.025 
* Red pack (Dec'18-Sep'19) +0.015-0.020 
* Green pack (Dec'19-Sep'20) +0020-0.030 
* Blue pack (Dec'20-Sep'21) +0.030-0.035 
* Gold pack (Dec'21-Sep'22) +0.040-0.050
US SWAPS: Spds running mixed by the bell, spd curve steeper vs. flatter Tsy
curve all session. Little react in spds to Tsys gapping higher earlier. Modest
two-way squaring ahead the weekend, little in the way of deal-tied hedging or
adding to risk. OTC vol higher across the surface but off late morning highs
after Tsys pared back gains. Latest spread levels: 
* 2Y -0.62/18.38 
* 5Y -0.19/5.88 
* 10Y +0.19/-0.19 
* 30Y +0.81/-21.81
OUTLOOK: *** Mon Data/speaker calendar (prior, estimate):
- Dec 04 Nov ISM-NY current conditions (51.6, --) 0945ET
- Dec 04 Oct factory new orders (1.4%, -0.3%) 1000ET
- Dec 04 Oct factory orders ex transport (0.7%, --) 1000ET
- Dec 04 US Tsy $42.0B 13-Week Bill auction 1130ET
- Dec 04 US Tsy $36.0B 26-Week Bill auction 1130ET
Eurodollar options
* -15,000 Blue Jun 72/73 put spds, 3.0 vs. 97.62/0.10%
* -5,000 short Jun 76/78 put spds w/Green Jun 73/76 put spds, 14.5
* +2,000 Blue Jun 76 straddles, 38.0
* +5,000 short Mar 76/77 put spds, 2.5
* +5,000 short Apr 75/76/78 put flys, 8.0
* +10,000 Green Dec 76/Blue Dec 75 put spds, 3.0 vs. 97.74
* +40,000 short Jun 75 puts, 4.0
* +10,000 short Jun 73/76 put spds, 4.5
* +10,000 short Dec 80/81 call spds, 2.0
* 40,000 short Jun 75 put/short Jun 81 call 2x1 combo, 2.0/put over
Latest Block, 1017:03
* 10,000 short Jan 77 puts, 2.5
* 20,000 short Jan 77 puts, 2.0 vs. 97.86/0.10%
* 3,500 Sep 77/78/80/81 put condors, 4.0
* 3,000 Green Dec 78 calls, 1.5 vs. 97.77
* 2,000 Mar 83/85/87 broken call flys, 1.0
* +22,000 Green Dec 76 puts, 1.0
* 6,000 Green Dec 76/77/78 call trees
* 6,000 Mar 81/82/83 put flys
Tsy options
* 4,300 wk1 TY 124 puts, 6/64 vs. 124-12.5/0.26%
* 2,000 wk2/wk3 TY 124.5 straddle spds, 13/64
* +4,000 TUH 107.3/107.5/107.6 call trees, 1/64
* -1,500 TYH 122/126.5 strangles, 25/64 earlier now trades 28/64
* -7,500 TYH 122.5/125.5 strangles, 41- to 40/64
* -3,000 TYF 123.5 puts, 10/64
* 2,700 TYF 123/125.5 call over risk reversals, 0.0 vs. 124-08/0.28%
* +5,700 TYF 124.5/125 call spds, 12/64
* +5,200 TYF 125.5 calls, 6/64
* +5,000 TYF 123.75 puts, 12/64
* +4,600 TYF 123/124 put spds from 18- to 14/64
* +4,000 TYH 125/126 call spds, 18.0
* +3,000 TYF 124.5/125/125.5 call trees, 5/64, still offered
* -1,700 TYF 123 calls vs. 124.25/124.5 call spds
--MNI New York Bureau; tel: +1 212-669-6432; email:

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