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Volatile reaction to release of US......>

MNI (London)
EURO-DOLLAR: Volatile reaction to release of US Employment data Friday, the USD
initially reacting to the fall in AHE as rate spiked to $1.1246 before it fell
back, as market turned focus on the above forecast jobs growth, with positive
revisions seen in Jan and Feb, to a low of $1.1210. Rate then settled between
$1.1210/20 through to the close. Consolidation in early Asia saw rate trade
within a tight range around $1.1220 before fresh demand emerged which edged rate
up to $1.1232, settling around $1.1230 into Europe. Rate seen within a
$1.1200-50 inside range, $1.1175/85-1.1255 outside. 
- Germany Trade at 0600GMT, France BdF Business Sentiment 0630GMT and EZ Sentix
Investor Confidence provide domestic data interest this morning. ECB Enria
speaks in Paris at 1245GMT. ECB Villeroy 1545GMT. US Durable Goods and Factory
Orders provide afternoon interest. 
- ECB rate announcement due Wednesday. No change expected with focus on ECB
Draghi Q&A and any detail of TLTRO's. 
- Option expiry of note seen at $1.1225 for E1.38bn. 
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-586-2231 |
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-586-2231 |

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