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WTI & Brent have stuck to sub-$0.30 ranges in...>

OIL: WTI & Brent have stuck to sub-$0.30 ranges in early Asia-Pacific hours, and
last trade a touch softer than their respective settlement levels. This comes
after WTI shed around $0.40 on Thursday, while Brent managed to lodge marginal
- Familiar matters have been addressed in the recent round of headlines covering
the crude space.
- Impending supply shocks are on the radar. The leader of Libya's eastern forces
has declared a march on the capital, Tripoli, with forces in the west moving to
shore up the ruling government.
- Elsewhere, BBG sources have suggested that the recent Venezuelan electricity
issues "briefly slashed the country's crude production by half," pointing to
periods of <600K bpd in production terms. Meanwhile local reports have
highlighted a pipeline explosion in the country's Anzoategui state.
- Finally, RTRS sources have suggested that Saudi Arabia is "threatening to sell
its oil in currencies other than the dollar if Washington passes a bill exposing
OPEC members to U.S. antitrust lawsuits."
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MNI London Bureau | +44 0203-865-3809 |

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