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WTI Climbs to New Intraday High


WTI has climbed to a new intraday high, tracking a trend throughout the week where added support comes during US hours. This takes WTI to its highest since May 10.

  • Hopes of firmer demand are likely to be supportive, with China’s industrial output up 6.7% year-on-year in April, possibly hinting at stronger oil appetite to come.
  • A lower-than-expected US CPI figure for April is also supportive for Fed rate cuts this year, also bullish for demand.
  • WTI JUN 24 up 0.9% at 79.95$/bbl
  • WTI JUN 24-JUL 24 down 0.04$/bbl at 0.45$/bbl
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WTI has climbed to a new intraday high, tracking a trend throughout the week where added support comes during US hours. This takes WTI to its highest since May 10.

  • Hopes of firmer demand are likely to be supportive, with China’s industrial output up 6.7% year-on-year in April, possibly hinting at stronger oil appetite to come.
  • A lower-than-expected US CPI figure for April is also supportive for Fed rate cuts this year, also bullish for demand.
  • WTI JUN 24 up 0.9% at 79.95$/bbl
  • WTI JUN 24-JUL 24 down 0.04$/bbl at 0.45$/bbl