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Administration Seeking More Tax Revenue From Banks

  • Mexico Seeks More Tax Revenue From Banks: FT
  • According to a Bloomberg report, the government in Mexico is reported to be looking for ways to obtain more tax revenue from the banking system, according a Financial Times article released late on Sunday.
  • Officials have discussed a range of revenue-raising measures across sectors to reduce the fiscal deficit left by the current administration. For banks, these include restricting tax deductions, and even imposing a windfall tax on profits: FT
  • As a reminder, Mexicans go to the polls for their general election on June 02.
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  • Mexico Seeks More Tax Revenue From Banks: FT
  • According to a Bloomberg report, the government in Mexico is reported to be looking for ways to obtain more tax revenue from the banking system, according a Financial Times article released late on Sunday.
  • Officials have discussed a range of revenue-raising measures across sectors to reduce the fiscal deficit left by the current administration. For banks, these include restricting tax deductions, and even imposing a windfall tax on profits: FT
  • As a reminder, Mexicans go to the polls for their general election on June 02.