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Bunds have opened smartly and the.......>

EGB SUMMARY: Bunds have opened smartly and the contract is already trading above
the high from Thursday. The spike higher in eonia to -0.241% (6bp higher than
yesterday) is holding the front end of the curve back a little.
- The eonia spike is clearly caused by month-end yesterday but adds to the
largely unexplained 6bp jump from the day before. The movement is so large as to
compare to the big year end spike in 2016. 
- The Bund 10Y yield is 0.8bp lower at 0.359% and the 30Y is moving slightly
more rapidly. 
- There has been some modest-sized real money selling in the long end of the
peripheral markets this morning and so 10Y spreads to Germany are 1-2bp wider.
- Breakevens are still well bid as the OPEC agreement dominates the inflation
debate. The 5Y5Y forward inflation swap is back to 1.702%, the highest since
- Today, the Nov Manufacturing PMI data will lead the early price action.
Spanish data improved from October to 56.1 from 55.8, although a little below
expectations. The US Senate tax reform vote is clearly the big event on Friday.

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