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COLOMBIA: HSBC Sees Medium-Term Threats To COP Increasing

  • HSBC sees risks building which could pose medium-term threats for the Colombian peso. Currently, they are only forecasting modest COP weakness in the quarters ahead, but they see the balance of risks tilting substantially to the downside for the peso. These include fiscal concerns, a reduction in potential growth, lingering reform uncertainty, risks to external accounts and the likelihood of a more dovish tone from the central bank.
  • Growing fiscal concerns have started to weigh on COP and will likely remain a headwind in the months ahead, as the government looks set to declare the 2025 budget by decree, which could prove worrying for investors as it's already underfunded. Meanwhile, lower potential growth and reduced export capacity may also weigh on the currency over the long term.
  • Even if BanRep doesn’t make a dovish shift imminently, the government will be able to replace two board members, most likely in Q1 2025, which could see the two most hawkish members, whose terms are ending, replaced. While HSBC’s forecasts suggest USDCOP will end the year near 4,200, they also expect the currency to underperform LatAm FX and believe risks are tilted to additional currency weakness going into 2025.
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  • HSBC sees risks building which could pose medium-term threats for the Colombian peso. Currently, they are only forecasting modest COP weakness in the quarters ahead, but they see the balance of risks tilting substantially to the downside for the peso. These include fiscal concerns, a reduction in potential growth, lingering reform uncertainty, risks to external accounts and the likelihood of a more dovish tone from the central bank.
  • Growing fiscal concerns have started to weigh on COP and will likely remain a headwind in the months ahead, as the government looks set to declare the 2025 budget by decree, which could prove worrying for investors as it's already underfunded. Meanwhile, lower potential growth and reduced export capacity may also weigh on the currency over the long term.
  • Even if BanRep doesn’t make a dovish shift imminently, the government will be able to replace two board members, most likely in Q1 2025, which could see the two most hawkish members, whose terms are ending, replaced. While HSBC’s forecasts suggest USDCOP will end the year near 4,200, they also expect the currency to underperform LatAm FX and believe risks are tilted to additional currency weakness going into 2025.