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INDONESIA: Country Wrap:  Doubts Emerge on the SWF

  • The Labor Party and the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) embrace the birth of Danantara Investment Management Agency (BPI Danantara), but have doubts on the agency’s commitment to serve the Indonesian people, particularly the working class, given its leadership composition. (source: Indonesia Business Post)
  • Minister of Investment and Downstream Industry/Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Rosan Perkasa Roeslani received a visit from a delegation of 35 French companies, members of the French international business association (MEDEF International), during a business meeting in Jakarta on Tuesday, (source: Business Indonesia)
  • Indonesia’s Jakarta Composite was one of the worst performers in the region today falling -2.3%.
  • IDR: the rupiah was one of the worst performers in a down day for Asia FX falling -0.30% to be at 16,328.
  • Bonds: general risk aversion was everywhere in Indonesian markets and bonds were hurt too with yields 1-3bps higher across the curve.  INGDOGB 10YR 6.811% (+2bp)
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  • The Labor Party and the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) embrace the birth of Danantara Investment Management Agency (BPI Danantara), but have doubts on the agency’s commitment to serve the Indonesian people, particularly the working class, given its leadership composition. (source: Indonesia Business Post)
  • Minister of Investment and Downstream Industry/Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Rosan Perkasa Roeslani received a visit from a delegation of 35 French companies, members of the French international business association (MEDEF International), during a business meeting in Jakarta on Tuesday, (source: Business Indonesia)
  • Indonesia’s Jakarta Composite was one of the worst performers in the region today falling -2.3%.
  • IDR: the rupiah was one of the worst performers in a down day for Asia FX falling -0.30% to be at 16,328.
  • Bonds: general risk aversion was everywhere in Indonesian markets and bonds were hurt too with yields 1-3bps higher across the curve.  INGDOGB 10YR 6.811% (+2bp)