February 25, 2025 11:36 GMT
OIL: Crude Market Faces 220k b/d Surplus in 2025: Kpler
Kpler’s base case for the crude market in 2025 is a supply surplus of 220k b/d, Kpler’s Muyu Xu said at its Energy Forum Feb. 24
- Kpler assumes OPEC barrels don’t return, with rising non-OPEC supply from the Americas and Africa alone satiating demand increases.
- Kpler forecasts US shale output peaking in 2026 at 13.6m b/d with Trump’s call for ‘drill baby drill’ unlikely to move the needle.
- Improved efficiencies have buoyed US output despite falling rig counts, but this is unsustainable, Xu said.
- Non-OPEC supply can replace OPEC barrels by volume, but are lighter and sweeter, creating a mismatch between stronger heavy crude demand versus stronger light crude supply. This will weigh on light-heavy spreads.
- This means that while Brent’s flat price is seen largely rangebound in 2025, spreads between regions will be more volatile
- 2025 crude demand is driven by increases in Asia and Africa, but faces downside risk from potential US tariffs hitting economic growth
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