September 26, 2024 05:51 GMT
Italy looks to hold another auction this week. The ESM, Spain and Slovenia have already held syndications, the EU, Belgium, and Germany have held auctions and Portugal has held an exchange auction. We pencil in estimated gross issuance for the week at E36.9bln, up from E28.9bln last week.
- Italy tomorrow will conclude the week’s issuance by holding a 5/10-year BTP and CCTeu auction. On offer will be E0.75-1.00bln of the 3.00% Aug-29 BTP (ISIN: IT0005365165), E2.0-2.5bln of the on-the-run 5-year 3.00% Oct-29 BTP (ISIN: IT0005611055), E3.0-3.5bln of the on-the-run 10-year 3.85% Feb-35 BTP (ISIN: IT0005607970) and E1.25-1.75bln of the Oct-30 CCTeu (ISIN: IT0005491250).
For more details on issuance this week and next week see the full document here: EZ240926.pdf
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