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Global News and Data Calendar

Repeats Story Initially Transmitted at 21:01 GMT Apr 6/17:01 EST Apr 6
--Rating: *** most market sensitive, * least market sensitive
Date    GMT /Local          Event
07-Apr      -      ***  CN  FX Reserves
07-Apr  1500/1100       US  Chicago Federal Reserve Bank President Charles
                              Evans to participate in "Financial Stability, the
                              Global Economy, and Monetary Policy, A Discussion
                              with Charles Evans and Lars Peter Hansen," in
                              Chicago, with audience and media Q&A.
09-Apr  2230/0830  **   AU  AI Group/HIA construction index
09-Apr  0545/0745  **   CH  unemployment
09-Apr  0600/0800  **   DE  trade balance
09-Apr  0730/0830  *    UK  Halifax House Price Index
09-Apr  1215/0815  **   CA  Housing Starts - CMHC (Canadian Mortgage and
                              Housing Corp)
09-Apr  1300/1500       EU  ECB Executive Board member Vitor Constancio
                              presentation of the ECB Annual Report 2017 at the
                              ECON Committee, in Brussels.
09-Apr  1400/1000  *    US  employment trends index
09-Apr  1430/1030  ***  CA  BOC Business Outlook Survey
09-Apr  1500/1100  **   US  NY Fed survey of consumer expectations
09-Apr  1645/1845       EU  ECB Executive Board member Peter Praet
                              participation in a meeting of the European Finance
                              Forum e.V., in Frankfurt.
09-Apr  1900/1500  *    US  Treasury Allotments (final)
10-Apr      -      ***  CN  Money Supply
10-Apr      -      ***  CN  New Loans
10-Apr      -      ***  CN  Social Financing
10-Apr  2301/0001  *    UK  BRC-KPMG Shop Sales Monitor
10-Apr  2330/0930  **   AU  ANZ-Roy Morgan Consumer Confidence
10-Apr  0001/0101  **   UK  Markit/REC Jobs Report
10-Apr  0100/0900       CN  President Xi's speech on Boao Forum
10-Apr  0130/1130  **   AU  NAB business survey
10-Apr  0645/0845  *    FR  industrial production
10-Apr  0730/0930       EU  ECB Supervisory Board chair Daniele Nouy speech at
                              an international conference on risk appetite
                              framework in banks organised by Banka Slovenije,
                              in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
10-Apr  0800/1000  *    IT  industrial production
10-Apr  0830/0430       US  Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Rob Kaplan
                              to participate in a moderated Q&A at the Tsinghua
                              University School of Economics and Management in
                              Beijing, with audience and media Q&A.
10-Apr  1000/0600  **   US  NFIB Small Business Optimism Index
10-Apr  1000/1200  *    EU  OECD Leading Indicator
10-Apr  1230/0830  ***  US  PPI
10-Apr  1230/0830  *    CA  Building Permits
10-Apr  1255/0855  **   US  Redbook Retail Sales Index
10-Apr  1300/1500       NO  Norges Bank Gov. Oystein Olsen speech to foreign
                              embassy representatives, in Oslo.
10-Apr  1400/1000  **   US  wholesale trade
11-Apr      -      ***  CN  Money Supply
11-Apr      -      ***  CN  New Loans
11-Apr      -      ***  CN  Social Financing
11-Apr  2350/0850  *    JP  CGPI
11-Apr  2350/0850  *    JP  Machinery orders
11-Apr  0030/1030  **   AU  Westpac-MI consumer sentiment
11-Apr  0100/0900       CN  People's Bank of China Governor Yi's speech on
                              Boao Forum
11-Apr  0130/0930  ***  CN  Producer Price Index
11-Apr  0130/0930  ***  CN  CPI
11-Apr  0345/1345       AU  RBA Governor Philip Lowe speaks at
                              Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce (WA), Perth.
                              Also Q&A.
11-Apr  0630/0830  **   FR  BoF Business survey
11-Apr  0800/1000  *    IT  retail sales
11-Apr  0830/0930  **   UK  Output in the Construction Industry
11-Apr  1100/0700  **   US  MBA weekly applications index
11-Apr  1100/1300       EU  ECB President Mario Draghi speech followed by a
                              question and answer session with winners of the
                              Generation Euro Students' Award, organised
                              by the ECB, in Frankfurt.
11-Apr  1230/0830  ***  US  CPI
11-Apr  1300/1500       EU  ECB Supervisory Board member Pentti Hakkarainen
                              participation in a panel discussion on "Risks of
                              International Fragmentation" at the 2018 European
                              Bank Executive Committee Forum organised by BNP
                              Paribas, in Brussels.
11-Apr  1400/1000  **   US  Atlanta Fed inflation index
11-Apr  1430/1030  **   US  DOE weekly crude oil stocks
11-Apr  1440/1640       EU  ECB Supervisory Board member Ignazio Angeloni
                              participation in a panel discussion on "The Future
                              of Europe" at the 2018 European Bank Executive
                              Committee Forum organised by BNP Paribas, in
11-Apr  1800/1400  **   US  Treasury Budget
11-Apr  1800/1400       US  The Federal Reserve releases minutes from the
                              March 20-21st FOMC meeting in Washington.
12-Apr      -      ***  CN  Money Supply
12-Apr      -      ***  CN  New Loans
12-Apr      -      ***  CN  Social Financing
12-Apr  2245/1045  **   NZ  Electronic card transactions m/m
12-Apr  0100/1100  **   AU  Melbourne Institute inflation expectations survey
12-Apr  0130/1130  ***  AU  Housing finance
12-Apr  0645/0845  ***  FR  HICP (f)
12-Apr  0830/0930       UK  BOE Quarterly Credit Conditions
12-Apr  0900/1100  **   EU  industrial production
12-Apr  1215/1415       EU  ECB Executive Board member Benoit Coeure
                              participation in a panel discussion at a
                              conference 'La France et l'Europe dans la
                              mondialisation' organised by CEPII, in Paris.
12-Apr  1215/1415       DE  BBK Board member Claudia Buch participation in
                              discussion at CEPII 40th Anniversary, in Paris.
12-Apr  1230/0830  **   US  Jobless Claims
12-Apr  1230/0830  **   US  import/export price index
12-Apr  1230/0830  *    CA  New Housing Price Index
12-Apr  1345/0945  *    US  Bloomberg Comfort Index
12-Apr  1430/1030  **   US  Natural Gas Stocks
12-Apr  1500/1700       DE  BBK Board member Andreas Dombret speech at Bank-
                              and Corporate evening of the head office in
                              Bavaria, in Munich.
12-Apr  1615/1815       EU  ECB Gov. Council member Jens Weidmann speech at
                              the XIII. Ludwig-Erhard-Lecture, in Berlin.
12-Apr  2030/1630  **   US  Fed Weekly Money Supply Data
12-Apr  2100/1700       US  Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President Neel
                              Kashkari to participate in a moderated Q&A with
                              Tim Worke, CEO of Associated General Contractors
                              of Minnesota in Minneapolis, with audience Q&A.
13-Apr      -      ***  CN  Trade
13-Apr  0130/1130  ***  AU  RBA Financial Stability Review
13-Apr  0600/0800  ***  DE  HICP (f)
13-Apr  0700/0900  ***  ES  HICP (f)
13-Apr  0900/1100  *    EU  trade balance
13-Apr  1130/0730       US  Boston Federal Reserve Bank President Eric
                              Rosengren to be the Keynote Speaker at the Greater
                              Boston Chamber's Economic Outlook Breakfast in
13-Apr  1300/0900       US  St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank President James
                              Bullard to present at the Washington University's
                              Calhoun Lecture Series in St. Louis, with audience
13-Apr  1400/1000  ***  US  University of Michigan Sentiment Index (p)
13-Apr  1400/1000  **   US  JOLTS jobs opening level
13-Apr  1400/1000  **   US  JOLTS quits Rate
13-Apr  1500/1100  **   US  St. Louis Fed Real GDP Nowcast
13-Apr  1515/1115  **   US  NY Fed GDP Nowcast
13-Apr  1700/1300       US  Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Rob Kaplan
                              to participate in a moderated Q&A at the Odessa
                              Chamber of Commerce Member Luncheon in Odessa,
                              Texas with audience and media Q&A.
--MNI Washington Bureau; +1 202-371-2121; email:

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