January 27, 2025 14:54 GMT
BRAZIL: Goldman Sachs Says CPI Forecasts Key for Assessing Depth Of Hiking Cycle
- Given the recent domestic and external macro-financial developments, Goldman Sachs expects the Copom to honour the guidance provided and hike the Selic by another 100bp to 13.25% on Wednesday. In the post-meeting policy statement, they will be paying particular attention to the inflation forecasts for end 2025 and Q3 2026 and the magnitude of the deviation from the 3.00% target. These forecasts will be key to calibrate the Selic rate path and depth of hiking cycle.
- GS expects the statement to acknowledge the observed further deterioration of inflation expectations and possibly also the deterioration of the services inflation dynamics, but also emerging softer real activity signals. They expect the overall balance of risks for inflation to remain skewed/asymmetric to the upside.
- Given heightened domestic and external uncertainty, the Copom will likely maintain the guidance for the March meeting, but may elect to be either silent (no guidance) for the May meeting, or state that the hiking cycle will extend beyond March, but that the magnitude of the rate hikes after then will be data dependent.
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