January 22, 2025 13:06 GMT
US NATGAS: Henry Hub Edges Lower Amid Winter Cold Disruption
Henry Hub is edging lower as the market weighs the impact of an outage at Freeport LNG and winter cold hitting the USGC while weather forecasts point to rising temperatures next week.
- Lower 48 natural gas demand remains well above normal at 130.3bcf/d today, according to Bloomberg compared to the previous five year average of around 104bcf/d. US temperatures are forecast to gradually rise in the coming week to rise back above normal from mid next week.
- US domestic natural gas production is estimated back to 100.8bcf/d today after falling to a low of 97.9bcf/d yesterday, according to Bloomberg, with output curtailed due to cold weather.
- US LNG export terminal feedgas is showing at 11.79bcf/d today compared to a low of 10.8bcf/d yesterday, according to Bloomberg. Freeport’s operations were yesterday taken offline due to power interruptions but could be back in production soon once power supplies are restored. Feedgas to the terminal fell to almost zero yesterday and is showing at 0.32bcf/d today.
- Export flows to Mexico are up to 6.23bcf/d today, according to Bloomberg.
- Nymex Henry Hub daily aggregate traded futures was at 658k on Jan. 21.
- US Natgas FEB 25 down 0.5% at 3.74$/mmbtu
- US Natgas JUL 25 up 0.3% at 3.82$/mmbtu
- US Natgas JAN 26 down 0.1% at 4.76$/mmbtu
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