March 20, 2025 08:45 GMT
POWER: Italy’s PUN to Edge Down on Wind, Demand
Italy April power base load trading rangebound with some gains in EU gas prices. Italy’s PUN is expected to edge lower with lower demand and higher wind output on Friday.
- Italy Base Power APR 25 up 0% at 113.1 EUR/MWh
- TTF Gas APR 25 up 0.7% at 43.65 EUR/MWh
- EUA DEC 25 up 0.2% at 73.6 EUR/MT
- EU gas prices are extending gains following a rally yesterday supported by ongoing summer storage refill concerns amid limited progress towards a Ukraine/Russia ceasefire agreement.
- The latest two-week ECMWF weather forecast for Rome suggests mean temperatures have been revised down on the day to see some below-normal temperatures in the last week of March, before temperatures will be back in line with the average.
- Mean temperatures in Rome are forecast to rise to 12.1C on Friday, from 10.9C on Thursday and above the seasonal average of 11.7C.
- The PUN index cleared at €124.89/MWh for Thursday’s delivery, compared with €124.1/MWh for Wednesday’s delivery.
- Wind output in Italy is forecast to rise to 1.33GW during base load on Friday, up from 777MW on Thursday according to SpotRenewables.
- Residual load in Italy is forecast to decline to 26.6GWh/h on Friday, down from 27GWh/h on Thursday according to Reuters.
- Power demand in Italy is forecast to fall to33.56GWh on Friday, from 33.93GWh on Thursday according to Reuters.
- Italy’s hydro balance has been revised lower on the day to end at -818GWh on 3 April, from -408GWh a day earlier according to Bloomberg.
- Italian hydropower reserves in calendar week 11 increased by 0.05TWh to 2.08TWh of capacity, marking the first weekly increase since early October 2024, the data showed on Wednesday.
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