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Labour Market Continues To Soften Gradually


May data released by the Swedish Public Employment Service was consistent with the notion that the labour market continues to gradually soften, while a sharp deterioration in conditions remains unlikely.

  • The unemployment claims rate ticked up to 6.66% (vs 6.63% prior), with the press release highlighting increases amongst those aged 18-24 years old.
  • Vacancies moderated a touch relative to April 2024 and sit almost 50% below levels seen a year ago. This softening allowed the vacancies to unemployment claims ratio to fall a touch to 0.29 (vs 0.3 prior and a 2023 average of 0.44).
  • Redundancy notices also moved higher, with around 7.5k employees affected by notice of termination in May (vs 6.5k in April).
  • Labour force survey data for May is due on June 19 (next Wednesday), in time for the Riksbank’s June monetary policy meeting on June 27.

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May data released by the Swedish Public Employment Service was consistent with the notion that the labour market continues to gradually soften, while a sharp deterioration in conditions remains unlikely.

  • The unemployment claims rate ticked up to 6.66% (vs 6.63% prior), with the press release highlighting increases amongst those aged 18-24 years old.
  • Vacancies moderated a touch relative to April 2024 and sit almost 50% below levels seen a year ago. This softening allowed the vacancies to unemployment claims ratio to fall a touch to 0.29 (vs 0.3 prior and a 2023 average of 0.44).
  • Redundancy notices also moved higher, with around 7.5k employees affected by notice of termination in May (vs 6.5k in April).
  • Labour force survey data for May is due on June 19 (next Wednesday), in time for the Riksbank’s June monetary policy meeting on June 27.