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MNI: BOC Says QE Was Worth The Risk But High Bar For A Repeat


The Bank of Canada again defended QE criticized by the leading candidate to win next year's federal election, saying it was worth the risk during the pandemic to stave off deflation and mass unemployment, while adding a full review will be published early next year and the bar for using balance-sheet expansion again is high. 

"The Bank took a risk management approach to decision-making. We considered alternative futures and thought about the consequences of making policy errors. Governing Council then chose a policy course that accounted for those risks," Deputy Governor Sharon Kozicki said in the text of a speech she's giving Thursday in Ottawa. 

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The Bank of Canada again defended QE criticized by the leading candidate to win next year's federal election, saying it was worth the risk during the pandemic to stave off deflation and mass unemployment, while adding a full review will be published early next year and the bar for using balance-sheet expansion again is high. 

"The Bank took a risk management approach to decision-making. We considered alternative futures and thought about the consequences of making policy errors. Governing Council then chose a policy course that accounted for those risks," Deputy Governor Sharon Kozicki said in the text of a speech she's giving Thursday in Ottawa. 

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