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MNI BRIEF: China Ready To Safeguard Interests After EU Tariffs

MNI (Beijing)

Beijing will safeguard the interests of Chinese firms following the EU's decision to implement tariffs on Chinese imported battery electric vehicles, Ministry of Commerce He Yadong, spokesperson said Thursday.

China was urging the EU side to correct is protectionist policy and implement the consensus reached by leaders from both sides at recent meetings, He added. Commenting on recent state media reports that China could begin investigating EU pork imports, He said China's domestic industry has the right to make an application to safeguard normal market competition.

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Beijing will safeguard the interests of Chinese firms following the EU's decision to implement tariffs on Chinese imported battery electric vehicles, Ministry of Commerce He Yadong, spokesperson said Thursday.

China was urging the EU side to correct is protectionist policy and implement the consensus reached by leaders from both sides at recent meetings, He added. Commenting on recent state media reports that China could begin investigating EU pork imports, He said China's domestic industry has the right to make an application to safeguard normal market competition.

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