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MNI BRIEF: Fiscal Sustainability Key To Rate Cuts- Campos Neto


Brazil's Central Bank governor, Roberto Campos Neto, spoke in Lisboa, Portugal.

Brazil's Central Bank governor, Roberto Campos Neto, said Friday that fiscal sustainability is key for price stability and reducing interest rates, adding that adjustments through revenue increases instead of expense cuts are less efficient.

"Public debt increases lead to lower growth. In this sense, it is important to deepen and develop capital markets. Fiscal sustainability is fundamental for price stability and for reducing interest rates," he highlighted at the XII Lisboa Forum, in Portugal.

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Brazil's Central Bank governor, Roberto Campos Neto, said Friday that fiscal sustainability is key for price stability and reducing interest rates, adding that adjustments through revenue increases instead of expense cuts are less efficient.

"Public debt increases lead to lower growth. In this sense, it is important to deepen and develop capital markets. Fiscal sustainability is fundamental for price stability and for reducing interest rates," he highlighted at the XII Lisboa Forum, in Portugal.

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