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MNI INTERVIEW: U.S. Consumers Expect More Disinflation - UMich


The director of the University of Michigan's Survey of Consumers talks to MNI about inflation expectations.

U.S. households generally expect inflation to keep moving lower and stay under wraps over the longer run, although uncertainty over the future path of prices remains high within some groups, the head of the University of Michigan's Survey of Consumers told MNI.

"Consumers do expect short-run inflation to continue to continue easing in the year ahead. Their long run expectations haven't really moved and are very stable, not moving at all over the last few months and moving very little over the last two years," said survey director Joanne Hsu in an interview Friday.

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U.S. households generally expect inflation to keep moving lower and stay under wraps over the longer run, although uncertainty over the future path of prices remains high within some groups, the head of the University of Michigan's Survey of Consumers told MNI.

"Consumers do expect short-run inflation to continue to continue easing in the year ahead. Their long run expectations haven't really moved and are very stable, not moving at all over the last few months and moving very little over the last two years," said survey director Joanne Hsu in an interview Friday.

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