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MNI BRIEF: RBA Warns Against Reliance On Monthly CPI Print

Governor Bullock has detailed the RBA's view on monthly data prints.

The Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Michele Bullock has warned against focusing too heavily on volatile monthly inflation reads, noting June’s quarterly print will offer a far more comprehensive view on the direction of prices.

Bullock told a senate estimates committee Wednesday the RBA needed quarterly CPI results to help confirm monthly data. “You don't have to go back long, maybe a few months, when monthly figures were all surprising on the downside, and everyone was saying, 'oh, inflation is growing much more quickly. Interest rates are going to come down really quickly.' Now they've surprised a little bit on the upside.”

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The Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Michele Bullock has warned against focusing too heavily on volatile monthly inflation reads, noting June’s quarterly print will offer a far more comprehensive view on the direction of prices.

Bullock told a senate estimates committee Wednesday the RBA needed quarterly CPI results to help confirm monthly data. “You don't have to go back long, maybe a few months, when monthly figures were all surprising on the downside, and everyone was saying, 'oh, inflation is growing much more quickly. Interest rates are going to come down really quickly.' Now they've surprised a little bit on the upside.”

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