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MNI: Canada GDP Grows In April And May After Q1 Disappointment

April gain of 0.3% is fastest since January and May flash reading slows to 0.1%.

Canada's GDP showed early momentum in the second quarter in line with the central bank's view when it cut borrowing costs this month that the economy can pick up alongside inflation moving back towards target this year.

Output increased 0.3% in April according to Statistics Canada's report Friday from Ottawa, in line with the economist consensus and the fastest gain since January. Fifteen of 20 industries showed gains including an 8% advance in motor vehicle and parts wholesaling that was the largest since October 2021 and a 1.8% rise in energy and mining. 

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Canada's GDP showed early momentum in the second quarter in line with the central bank's view when it cut borrowing costs this month that the economy can pick up alongside inflation moving back towards target this year.

Output increased 0.3% in April according to Statistics Canada's report Friday from Ottawa, in line with the economist consensus and the fastest gain since January. Fifteen of 20 industries showed gains including an 8% advance in motor vehicle and parts wholesaling that was the largest since October 2021 and a 1.8% rise in energy and mining. 

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