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MNI EUROPEAN MARKETS ANALYSIS: Hawkish RBNZ Hold Drives NZD Outperformance

  • NZGBs closed 4-7bps cheaper following the RBNZ’s decision to leave the OCR at 5.50%. The 0.2pp overshoot of the RBNZ’s Q1 CPI forecast seems to have driven a hawkish shift. Rates may now need to stay restrictive for “longer than anticipated”. A cumulative 33bps of easing is priced by year-end versus 43bps before today’s decision.
  • NZD/USD surged on the hawkish hold, but has moved away from session highs, as RBNZ officials appeared to push back against a rate hike before year end. Still, NZD is comfortably the best performer in the G10 space so far today.
  • Elsewhere, the cash JGB curve has bear-steepened following today’s lacklustre 40-year auction, with yields flat to 4bps higher. The benchmark 10-year yield is 1.5bp higher at 0.995%, a new cycle high.
  • Later the Fed’s Goolsbee appears and the May FOMC meeting minutes are published. There are US existing home sales and UK April CPI/PPI print. The BoE’s Breeden speaks.


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  • NZGBs closed 4-7bps cheaper following the RBNZ’s decision to leave the OCR at 5.50%. The 0.2pp overshoot of the RBNZ’s Q1 CPI forecast seems to have driven a hawkish shift. Rates may now need to stay restrictive for “longer than anticipated”. A cumulative 33bps of easing is priced by year-end versus 43bps before today’s decision.
  • NZD/USD surged on the hawkish hold, but has moved away from session highs, as RBNZ officials appeared to push back against a rate hike before year end. Still, NZD is comfortably the best performer in the G10 space so far today.
  • Elsewhere, the cash JGB curve has bear-steepened following today’s lacklustre 40-year auction, with yields flat to 4bps higher. The benchmark 10-year yield is 1.5bp higher at 0.995%, a new cycle high.
  • Later the Fed’s Goolsbee appears and the May FOMC meeting minutes are published. There are US existing home sales and UK April CPI/PPI print. The BoE’s Breeden speaks.


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