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MNI Global Morning Briefing

MNI (London)
     LONDON (MNI) - Final inflation data for Spain is due at 0800BST Friday and
at 1000BST the publication of EZ industrial production will be closely watched.
The highlight in the US the release of the preliminary Michigan sentiment index.
     March's flash estimate of HICP was 1.4 m/m and 1.3% y/y after Feb's reading
of 0.2% m/m and 1.1% y/y. According to the MNI median the final HICP y/y is
unrevised from the flash. March's flash estimate for CPI was 1.3% y/y and 0.4%
m/m and the final number is expected remain at this level.
     Industrial Production in the eurozone is expected decline by 0.6% m/m and
1.0% y/y in February after an increase of 1.4% m/m in January, which was the
highest reading since November 2017. February's production declined 1.1%
year-on-year holding the series below the long-term average since November 2018.
     The Michigan Sentiment index is expected to fall slightly to 98.3 in April
after rising to 98.5 in March.
     Highlights in terms of speeches are ECB's Draghi and Coeure participating
in the IMF/World Bank meeting and ECB's Enria speaking in Washington. In the US
NY Fed's Stiroh speaking at a conference is worth noting.
--MNI London Bureau; tel: +44 203-586-2225; email:
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-865-3812 |
MNI London Bureau | +44 203-865-3812 |

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