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MNI INTERVIEW: Canada Condo Dip Seen On Migrant Turn-Adviser


University of Toronto professor Nathaniel Baum-Snow talks to MNI about Canada's housing market risks.

Condo markets in Toronto and other Canadian cities could swing from boom to weakness as rising supply potentially coincides with curbs on the immigration fueling demand in one of the world's most overheated markets, a government adviser told MNI.

“There are risks there, no question,” said Nathaniel Baum-Snow, a University of Toronto professor and the Premier's Research Chair in Productivity and Competitiveness, who has presented some of his research at a Bank of Canada workshop.

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Condo markets in Toronto and other Canadian cities could swing from boom to weakness as rising supply potentially coincides with curbs on the immigration fueling demand in one of the world's most overheated markets, a government adviser told MNI.

“There are risks there, no question,” said Nathaniel Baum-Snow, a University of Toronto professor and the Premier's Research Chair in Productivity and Competitiveness, who has presented some of his research at a Bank of Canada workshop.

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