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MNI NBH WATCH: Hungary CenBank Slows Cuts Pace To 25Bps, Base Rate 7.00%

National Bank of Hungary cuts key interest rates by quarter point, as policy enters new phase.

The National Bank of Hungary slowed the pace of its interest rate cuts from 50 to 25 basis points on Tuesday, leaving its base rate at 7.00%, citing financial market volatility, geopolitical tensions and upside risks to the inflation outlook as justification for maintaining a "careful and patient" approach to monetary easing. (See MNI EM NBH WATCH: Macro Uncertainty Boosts Chances Of 25bp Cut)

While the outlook for domestic inflation has improved over previous quarters, the NBH said in a statement, "significant" risks in the external environment, notably delayed Federal Reserve rate cuts, continue to reduce emerging economy central banks’ room for manoeuvre, with Hungarian monetary policy now entering a "new phase."

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The National Bank of Hungary slowed the pace of its interest rate cuts from 50 to 25 basis points on Tuesday, leaving its base rate at 7.00%, citing financial market volatility, geopolitical tensions and upside risks to the inflation outlook as justification for maintaining a "careful and patient" approach to monetary easing. (See MNI EM NBH WATCH: Macro Uncertainty Boosts Chances Of 25bp Cut)

While the outlook for domestic inflation has improved over previous quarters, the NBH said in a statement, "significant" risks in the external environment, notably delayed Federal Reserve rate cuts, continue to reduce emerging economy central banks’ room for manoeuvre, with Hungarian monetary policy now entering a "new phase."

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