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MNI POLICY: BOC's Poloz: Below-Potential Growth 'Temporary'>

By Courtney Tower
     OTTAWA (MNI) - Following are the key points from a speech by Bank 
of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz on Monday, reaffirming the BOC's 
position that the present low-growth period will prove to be temporary. 
He spoke to the regional chamber of commerce in the Arctic community of 
Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada: 
     - Poloz said, "Recent economic data have been generally consistent 
with our expectation that the period of below-potential growth will 
prove to be temporary." Keeping the policy rate below neutral would 
"help the economy work through this downshift in growth and keep 
inflation close to target." Poloz repeated the BOC's March statement 
that the economic outlook continues to warrant a policy rate below 
neutral to help the economy work through its downshift. 
     - Overall, recent data are giving a "mixed picture and need to be 
carefully monitored." 
     - Poloz repeated the BOC's concerns that the Canadian economy is 
hampered by business uncertainty and delayed or postponed investments - 
due to uncertainty about trade policy - as well as adjustments in 
housing and the oil industry. 
     - Nevertheless, "We expect that both exports and investment will 
return to positive growth later this year," he said. Poloz cited the 
strong labor market, and said that the oil sector adjustments to lower 
pricing would eventually be completed. As well, "firms tell us that they 
need to make new investments, and that the recent rules "around capital 
cost allowances are likely to speed that up." 
   --MNI Ottawa Bureau; 
     [TOPICS: M$C$$$,MACDS$] 

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