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MNI Survey of RBA Cash Rate Forecasts: NAB Revises Hike View

By Sophia Rodrigues
     SYDNEY (MNI) - Economists at National Australia Bank revised their view on
the Reserve Bank of Australia's cash rate, now expecting just one hike this year
in November versus previous forecast for two hikes.
     However, their conviction on the rate call isn't very strong with chief
economist Alan Oster saying Wednesday it is not impossible that the RBA remains
on hold this year and starts raising in early 2019. 
     Oster has cited weak wages growth and slow progress in reducing
unemployment as the key reasons for a change in forecast and said the key
determinants going ahead will be the strength of wages and consumer spending,
unemployment and core inflation.
     NAB's view is now in line with Commonwealth Bank economists who are also
expecting the first hike in November. Westpac economists don't expect any change
this year and the next while ANZ economists expect rate hike in 2019 but have
left the precise timing open.
     Earlier this month, TD Securities also revised their view to just one hike
in November from previous forecast for hikes in May and November. Bank of
America-Merill Lynch also did the same, and now expect just one hike this year,
in Q4.
     Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs economists expect the RBA to hike in May though
they are assigning just a 55% probability.
     Below is a table of forecasts for the next RBA cash rate decision on
Tuesday and the outlook for the cash rate. The cash rate is currently at 1.5%.
                    March 6                                        Outlook
NAB                    Hold        25bps hike in Nov 2018; 2 hikes in 2019
ANZ                    Hold                    Hold in 2018; Hikes in 2019
Westpac                Hold                                Hold 2018, 2019
CBA                    Hold                         25bps hike in Nov 2018
Goldman Sachs          Hold                         25bps hike in May 2018
Citigroup              Hold                                Hike in Q4 2018
JPMorgan               Hold                    Hold for foreseeable future
HSBC                   Hold                 25bps hike in Q3 2018, Q1 2019
TD Securities          Hold                         25bps hike in Nov 2018
UBS                    Hold                          25bps hike in H1 2019
Deutsche Bank          Hold                              Hold through 2018
AMP Capital            Hold                                 Hike late 2018
Moody's                Hold                              Hold through 2018
St. George             Hold                          25bps hike in Q1 2019
Macquarie              Hold  25bps hike Aug and Nov 2018, Feb and May 2019
Nomura                 Hold                          25bps hike in Q1 2019
RBC Capital            Hold                              Hold through 2018
BankAm-ML              Hold                           25bp hike in Q4 2018
Morgan Stanley         Hold                              Hold through 2018
Standard Chartered     Hold                             Hold until Q4 2018
Wells Fargo            Hold                            Hold well into 2018
--MNI Sydney Bureau; tel: +61 2-9716-5467; email:

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