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No Invitation For Ukraine To Join NATO Expected At Leaders Summit


US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien told reporters that the US does anticipate an invitation will be extended to Ukraine to join the NATO alliance at the NATO Leaders Summit in Washington D.C. in July, according to Reuters.

  • O'Brien noted that although an invitation is unlikley, "there will be a substantial show of support," for Kyiv.
  • O'Brien commented on today's news that Russian President Vladimir Putin is, "ready to halt the war in Ukraine with a ceasefire that recognises the current battlefield lines." (Sky News) O'Brien said the US, "does not see [Putin] as being interested in peace now."
  • US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will travel to the Czech Republic next week for an informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Prague to discuss priorities for the July summit; continued support for Ukraine, defense modernization, and deepening energy ties.
  • Notably, Blinken will also travel to Moldova for a meeting with Moldovan President Maia Sandu to discussion EU accession and energy security.
  • Moldova is set to hold presidential elections and a referendum on its future in the European Union on October 20, with some some concerns that Russia could see the election as an opportunity to exert influence, or subvert the election to oust pro-EU Sandu in favour of pro-Russian opposition.
  • Chatham House notes: "...revisionist speeches from the Russian president, the Kremlin’s actions and official doctrines all suggest that Russia sees Moldova as ‘a historical Russian territory,’" in a similar way it does Ukraine.
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US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien told reporters that the US does anticipate an invitation will be extended to Ukraine to join the NATO alliance at the NATO Leaders Summit in Washington D.C. in July, according to Reuters.

  • O'Brien noted that although an invitation is unlikley, "there will be a substantial show of support," for Kyiv.
  • O'Brien commented on today's news that Russian President Vladimir Putin is, "ready to halt the war in Ukraine with a ceasefire that recognises the current battlefield lines." (Sky News) O'Brien said the US, "does not see [Putin] as being interested in peace now."
  • US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will travel to the Czech Republic next week for an informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Prague to discuss priorities for the July summit; continued support for Ukraine, defense modernization, and deepening energy ties.
  • Notably, Blinken will also travel to Moldova for a meeting with Moldovan President Maia Sandu to discussion EU accession and energy security.
  • Moldova is set to hold presidential elections and a referendum on its future in the European Union on October 20, with some some concerns that Russia could see the election as an opportunity to exert influence, or subvert the election to oust pro-EU Sandu in favour of pro-Russian opposition.
  • Chatham House notes: "...revisionist speeches from the Russian president, the Kremlin’s actions and official doctrines all suggest that Russia sees Moldova as ‘a historical Russian territory,’" in a similar way it does Ukraine.