January 24, 2025 12:41 GMT
EM LATAM CREDIT: S&P Affirms Colombia 'BB+' FC Rating; Outlook Remains Neg
- "High fiscal deficits, despite a recovery in tax revenues in 2025, are contributing to a rising government debt trajectory for Colombia. We expect economic growth will average 2.7% over the next two years, close to the country's trend growth rate.
- The outlook remains negative, indicating the risk of a downgrade over the next 12 months if larger-than-expected fiscal deficits or weaker-than-expected economic growth translates into a rising general government debt burden.
Persistently weak domestic investor sentiment and higher global uncertainty constrain the country's growth prospects, straining Colombia's fiscal accounts." - Standard & Poor's
COLOM 5% 2045, $68.09, +.01
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