February 13, 2025 18:57 GMT
US NATGAS: Socal Gas Prices Rise on Day
Socal gas prices are rising today as sendout continues to outpace inflows into the region. Meanwhile, storage withdrawals today are above the recent average, according to the EIA.
- SoCal Border is up 12 cents/MMBtu (3.41%) to $3.64/MMBtu, according to the EIA, while NGI data shows Socal City Gate up 7 cents/MMBtu and Socal Topock up 7.5 cents/MMBtu
- State-wide demand in California is down 130 mcf/d on the day to 7.76 bcf/d, outpaced by a 170 bcf/d decline in pipeline inflows, Bloomberg showed.
- Daily natural gas sendout in Socal is 3.42 bcf/d today, outpacing receipts of 2.85 bcf/d, the EIA shows.
- Flows are marginally lower on the El Paso, Kern River, and North Baja lines, while Mojave is down by 150 mcf/d, according to Bloomberg.
- The daily natural gas inventory change is down 1.46 bcf, slightly below yesterday’s withdrawal of 1.61 bcf, but nonetheless higher than average for the past week, EIA data showed.
- Temperatures in Los Angeles are seen largely within the normal range, according to EIA data.

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