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TEXT: Federal Reserve Beige Book Summary Section>

     WASHINGTON (MNI) - The following is the text of the summary section 
of the Federal Reserve's summary of economic conditions report, or Beige 
Book, released Wednesday: 
     Overall Economic Activity 
     Economic activity expanded modestly from October through 
mid-November, similar to the pace of growth seen over the prior 
reporting period. Most Districts reported stable to moderately 
growing consumer spending, and increases in autosales and tourism 
were seen across several Districts. In manufacturing, more Districts 
reported an expansion in the current period than the previous one, 
though the majority continued to experience no growth. The picture 
for nonfinancial services remained quite positive, with most Districts 
reporting modest to moderate growth. Transportation activity
was rather mixed across Districts. Reports from the banking sector 
indicated continued but slightly slower growth inloan volumes. Home 
sales were mostly flat to up, and residential construction experienced 
more widespread growthcompared to the prior report. Construction and 
leasing activity of nonresidential real estate continued to increase 
at amodest pace. Agricultural conditions were little changed overall, 
remaining strained by weather and low crop prices.Activity in the 
energy sector deteriorated modestly among reporting Districts. 
Outlooks generally remained positive,with some contacts expecting 
the current pace of growth to continue into next year. 
     Employment and Wages 
     Employment continued to rise slightly overall, even as labor 
markets remained tight across the U.S. Several Districtsnoted 
relatively strong job gains in professional and technical services 
as well as healthcare. Reports were mixed foremployment in 
manufacturing, with some Districts noting rising headcounts while 
others noted stable employmentlevels and one District reported 
layoffs. There were scattered reports of labor reductions in retail 
and wholesale trade.The vast majority of Districts continued to note 
difficulty hiring driven by a lack of qualified applicants as the 
labor marketremained very tight. The shortage of workers spanned 
most industries and skill levels, and some contacts notedthat their 
inability to fill vacancies was constraining business growth. Moderate 
wage growth continued across mostDistricts. Wage pressures 
intensified for low-skill positions. 
     Prices rose at a modest pace during the reporting period. 
Reports regarding input costs and selling prices in the manufacturing
sector were mixed, with some Districts noting deceleration in prices, 
while others cited increased cost pressuresand a few indicated little 
to no change. Retailers mentioned higher costs, which contacts in 
some Districts attributedto tariffs. Firms ability to raise prices 
to cover higher costs remained limited, though a few Districts noted 
thatcompanies affected by the tariffs were more inclined to pass on cost 
increases. Service sector prices in reporting Districtswere mostly 
flat to up. Energy and steel prices were flat to down, while reports 
on construction materials andagricultural commodity prices were mixed. 
Overall, firms generally expected higher prices going forward.
 * Prepared at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas based on 
information collected on or before Nov. 18. 
     ** MNI Washington Bureau (202) 371-2121 ** 

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