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*Timeline of key events in the Eurozone:...>

EUROZONE: *Timeline of key events in the Eurozone:
- Dec 04 Spanish Nov unemployment data at 0800GMT
- Dec 04 Eurozone Sentix investor confidence indicator for Dec at 0930GMT
- Dec 04 Eurozone PPI for Oct at 1000GMT
- Dec 04 EU27 followed by Eurogroup meeting, finishing late.
- Dec 05 Spanish industrial output for Oct at 0800GMT
- Dec 05 Italy Markit PMI Dec flash at 0845GMT
- Dec 05 France Markit PMI Dec flash at 0850GMT
- Dec 05 German Markit PMI Dec flash at 0855GMT
- Dec 05 Eurozone Markit PMI Dec flash at 0900GMT
- Dec 05 Eurozone retail sales for Oct at 1000GMT
- Dec 05 Eurozone Q3 GDP Oct at 1000GMT
- Dec 05 France Markit PMI Dec flash at 0845GMT
- Dec 06 German factory orders for Oct at 0700GMT
- Dec 06 Germany sells E2bln Aug-27 at 1035GMT
- Dec 07 Dutch CPI for Nov at 0530GMT

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