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Ukraine Could Face 20h/day Power Outages in Winter 24/25


Ukraine could face up to 20 hours per day of power and heating outages next winter in the worst-case scenario if Russia continues to attack the country’s power plants, Ukraine’s DTEK said, cited by Reuters.

  • Ukraine’s energy minister German Galushchenko said Russia was intensifying its attacks on power systems, making repairs difficult and crippling supplies.
  • Some power plants would take years to repair, while others will never be restored, Maria Tsaturyan, communications director at Ukrenergo, said.
  • "We have five months before the winter. If we won't be able to protect now ..we cannot do repairing. 50% alone is not enough to get through the winter," said Galushchenko.
  • Russia has destroyed around 9GW of Ukraine’s power generation capacity since the start of March, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said last week.
  • A new procedure for applying blackout scheduled for several hours has been introduced in a test phase on 8 June, First Deputy Head of the Energy Ministry, Yuriy Vlasenko, said that.
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Ukraine could face up to 20 hours per day of power and heating outages next winter in the worst-case scenario if Russia continues to attack the country’s power plants, Ukraine’s DTEK said, cited by Reuters.

  • Ukraine’s energy minister German Galushchenko said Russia was intensifying its attacks on power systems, making repairs difficult and crippling supplies.
  • Some power plants would take years to repair, while others will never be restored, Maria Tsaturyan, communications director at Ukrenergo, said.
  • "We have five months before the winter. If we won't be able to protect now ..we cannot do repairing. 50% alone is not enough to get through the winter," said Galushchenko.
  • Russia has destroyed around 9GW of Ukraine’s power generation capacity since the start of March, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said last week.
  • A new procedure for applying blackout scheduled for several hours has been introduced in a test phase on 8 June, First Deputy Head of the Energy Ministry, Yuriy Vlasenko, said that.