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US Treasuries opened NY higher,.....>

US TSYS SUMMARY: US Treasuries opened NY higher, flatter after US Senate Thurs
night postponed GOP tax bill vote to 11am ET Fri, amid need for compromise as
various GOP sides want different bill contents. 
- TOKYO: Senate GOP debate progress slowed late Thurs so vote delayed. That
spurred Tsys buying amd mixed Asian stocks performance amid risk-off mood. Tsys
aided by leftover month-end buying in long end, and Japanese lifers and pension
funds buying; others did 5/30Y flatteners. 
- LONDON: EGBs drew better buying, aided Tsys. Some bought 10Y around 2.40% key
level around 3:26am ET; end users and fast money bought intermediates. EGBs
aided as EU stocks sank amid apparent mistaken Fiat stock trade that spurred
algo selling; EU tech stocks -5% earlier. Eonia spiked UK Gilts sharply higher. 
- OVERNIGHT REPO: Tsy 5Y notes tight still at -1.25% but off extraordinarily
tight -3.5% Thur; also old 2Y, 3Y, 10Y mildly bid. 
- US SWAPS: Mixed, spd curve steeper vs. flattening in Tsys. Swaps had switch
around 2.0675-2.0875%, recent paying 5s, 10s, 5/10 steepnrs. 
- US$ HIGH-GRADE CORPORATES: Nothing Friday so far. Will be busy week next week.

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