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Biden's Approval Rating Hits New Low, 538


President Biden’s approval rating has hit 37.6% - a record low for his presidency, according to the 538 approval tracker. Notably, Biden’s approval rating has sunk below the 37.9% recorded in July 2022 when the US was facing high energy prices, inflation, the prospect of recession, and uncertainty over the war in Ukraine.

  • Biden’s dip in approval comes off the back of a string of negative polls, including from Emerson College, TIPP Insights, and Survey Monkey, which all scored Biden an adjusted approval rating of 36%.
  • Emerson notes: “The economy remains the most important issue for voters at 42%, a four-point increase from the Emerson May national poll. Immigration is the second most important issue to voters at 15%, followed by threats to democracy at 12%, housing affordability at 7%, crime at 6%, abortion access and healthcare at 5% respectively, and education at 4%.”

Figure 1: President Joe Biden Approval Rating

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President Biden’s approval rating has hit 37.6% - a record low for his presidency, according to the 538 approval tracker. Notably, Biden’s approval rating has sunk below the 37.9% recorded in July 2022 when the US was facing high energy prices, inflation, the prospect of recession, and uncertainty over the war in Ukraine.

  • Biden’s dip in approval comes off the back of a string of negative polls, including from Emerson College, TIPP Insights, and Survey Monkey, which all scored Biden an adjusted approval rating of 36%.
  • Emerson notes: “The economy remains the most important issue for voters at 42%, a four-point increase from the Emerson May national poll. Immigration is the second most important issue to voters at 15%, followed by threats to democracy at 12%, housing affordability at 7%, crime at 6%, abortion access and healthcare at 5% respectively, and education at 4%.”

Figure 1: President Joe Biden Approval Rating

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