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Global Data Calendar

--Rating: *** most market sensitive, * least market sensitive
Date   GMT /Local                                             Prior  Est.
15-Dec 1000/1100 *   Oct    EU trade balance                   25.0    -- b E
15-Dec 1000/1100 *   Oct    EU trade balance nsa               26.4    -- b E
15-Dec 1330/0830 **  Dec    US Empire Manufacturing Index      19.4  17.5
15-Dec 1330/0830 *** Oct    CA Mfg sales                       +0.5  +1.0   %
15-Dec 1415/0915 *** Nov    US industrial production            0.9   0.3   %
15-Dec 1415/0915 *** Nov    US capacity utilization            77.0  77.2   %
15-Dec 1500/1000 **  Dec    US Atlanta Fed inflation            2.0    --   %
15-Dec 1600/1100 **  Q4     US St. Louis Fed Real GDP Nowcast    --    --   %
15-Dec 1615/1115 **  Q4     US NY Fed GDP Nowcast               3.9    --   %
15-Dec 2100/1600 **  Oct    US net TICS flows                    --    -- b USD
15-Dec 2100/1600 **  Oct    US long term TICS flows              --    -- b USD
18-Dec 2350/0850 **  Nov    JP Trade balance                   +285    -- b JPY
18-Dec 2350/0850 **  Nov    JP Trade balance y/y              -40.9    --   %
18-Dec 2350/0850 **  Nov    JP Exports y/y                    +14.0    --   %
18-Dec 2350/0850 **  Nov    JP Imports y/y                    +18.9    --   %
18-Dec 0800/0900 *   Q3     ES labour costs y/y wda             3.8    --   %
18-Dec 1000/1100 *** Nov    EU HICP (f) m/m                     0.1    --   %
18-Dec 1000/1100 *** Nov    EU HICP (f) y/y                     1.5    --   %
18-Dec 1100/1100 **         UK CBI order books balance           --    --
18-Dec 1100/1100 **         UK CBI price intentions balance      --    --
18-Dec 1330/0830 **  Dec    US NY Fed Business Leaders Index   18.9    --
18-Dec 1330/0830 *   Oct    CA Intl securities transactions    16.8    -- b CAD
18-Dec 1500/1000 **  Dec    US NAHB home builder index           70    --
19-Dec 0000/1300 *** Dec    NZ ANZ business confidence        -39.3    --
19-Dec 0000/1300 *** Dec    NZ ANZ activity outlook             6.5    --
19-Dec 0030/1130 *** Dec    AU RBA board meeting minutes         --    --
19-Dec 0645/0745 *          CH GDP forecast 2017                0.9    --   %
19-Dec 0645/0745 *          CH GDP forecast 2018                2.0    --   %
19-Dec 0900/1000 *** Dec    DE IFO Business Climate Index     117.5    --
19-Dec 1000/1100 *   Q3     EU labour costs y/y wda             1.8    --   %
19-Dec 1000/1100 **  Oct    EU construction prod m/m            0.1    --   %
19-Dec 1000/1100 **  Oct    EU construction prod y/y wda        3.1    --   %
19-Dec 1330/0830 *** Nov    US housing starts                  1.29    -- m 
19-Dec 1330/0830 *** Nov    US building permits               1.316    -- m 
19-Dec 1330/0830 *   Q3     US current account balance        -123.1   -- b USD
19-Dec 1355/0855 **  16-Dec US Redbook retail sales m/m        -0.7    --   %
20-Dec 2145/1045 **  Nov    NZ Trade balance                     --    -- m NZD
20-Dec 2145/1045 *   Nov    NZ Net migration                     --    -- k 
20-Dec 2145/1045 **  Q3     NZ Current account balance           --    -- m NZD
20-Dec 2145/1045 **  Q3     NZ Curr acct balance % of GDP        --    --   %
20-Dec 2330/1030 *   Nov    AU Westpac-MI leading index          --    --
20-Dec 0700/0800 **  Nov    DE PPI m/m                          0.3    --   %
20-Dec 0700/0800 **  Nov    DE PPI y/y                          2.7    --   %
20-Dec 0900/1000 **  Oct    EU current account                 37.8    -- b E
20-Dec 0900/1000 **  Oct    EU current account nsa             41.8    -- b E
20-Dec 1100/1100 **         UK CBI sales reported balance        --    --
20-Dec 1100/1100 **         UK CBI sales expected balance        --    --
20-Dec 1200/0700 **  15-Dec US MBA Mortgage Applications       -2.3    --   %
20-Dec 1330/0830 **  Oct    CA Wholesale sales                 -1.2    --   %
20-Dec 1330/0830 *   Oct    CA Payroll employment             +23.8    -- k 
20-Dec 1330/0830 *   Oct    CA Average weekly earnings y/y     +3.1    --   %
20-Dec 1500/1000 *** Nov    US existing home sales             5.48    -- m 
20-Dec 1530/1030 **  15-Dec US crude oil stocks ex. SPR w/w    -5.1    -- m bbl
21-Dec 2145/1045 *** Q3     NZ GDP q/q                           --    --   %
21-Dec 2145/1045 *** Q3     NZ GDP y/y                           --    --   %
21-Dec 0001/0001 *   Dec    UK XpertHR median pay award 3m      2.0    --   %
21-Dec 0001/0001 **  Dec    UK Gfk Consumer Conf                 --    --
21-Dec 0745/0845 *   Dec    FR Services Sentiment             109.0    --
21-Dec 0745/0845 **  Dec    FR Manufacturing Sentiment        112.0    --
21-Dec 0745/0845 *   Dec    FR Business Climate Indicator     111.0    --
21-Dec 0800/0900 *   Oct    ES industrial orders y/y wda       14.9    --   %
21-Dec 0800/0900 *   Oct    ES services survey y/y              7.2    --   %
21-Dec 0930/0930 *** Nov    UK Central Govt Net Cash Requirmt    --    -- b GBP
21-Dec 0930/0930 *** Nov    UK Public Sector Net Borrowing       --    -- b GBP
21-Dec 1330/0830 **  16-Dec US jobless claims                   225    -- k 
21-Dec 1330/0830 *** Q3     US GDP (3rd)                        3.3    --   %
21-Dec 1330/0830 *** Q3     US GDP Price Index                  2.1    --   %
21-Dec 1330/0830 *** Nov    CA Headline CPI m/m                +0.1    --   %
21-Dec 1330/0830 *** Nov    CA Headline CPI y/y                +1.4    --   %
21-Dec 1330/0830 *** Oct    CA Retail sales                    +0.1    --   %
21-Dec 1330/0830 *** Oct    CA Retail sales ex autos           +0.3    --   %
21-Dec 1330/0830 **  Dec    US Philadelphia Fed Mfg Index      22.7    --
21-Dec 1400/0900 **  Oct    US FHFA Home Price Index            0.3    --   %
21-Dec 1445/0945 *   17-Dec US Bloomberg comfort index           --    --
21-Dec 1500/1000 **  Nov    US leading indicators               1.2    --   %
21-Dec 1530/1030 **  15-Dec US natural gas stocks w/w           -69    --   Bcf
21-Dec 2130/1630 **  20-Dec US Fed weekly securities holdings    --    -- t USD
--MNI Washington Bureau; +1 202-371-2121; email:

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