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INDON Sov Curve Steeper, Long-end Spreads Widen


The INDON sov curve has bear-steepened today, following moves made in US treasury markets. There has been little in the way of local headlines today although the JCI and IDR are both some of the worst performing markets for the session.

  • The INDON curve has bear-steepened with yields 1-5bps higher, the 2Y yield is +1.5bps at 5.32% and now trade back at May 2nd levels, 5Y yield is +4bps at 5.20%, the 10Y yield is +5bps at 5.31%, while the 5-year CDS is 1bp higher at 72.5bps.
  • The INDON to UST spread diff the 2Y is now 33bps (-0.5bp), 5yr is 57bps (+1bps), while the 10yr is 70bps (+1.5bps).
  • In cross-asset moves, USD/IDR is 1.43% higher at 16,248 we are now just slightly lower the the Apr and May lows, the JCI is down 1.50%, Palm Oil is 0.64% lower, while US tsys yields are little changed today.
  • Looking ahead, calendar is empty for the week
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The INDON sov curve has bear-steepened today, following moves made in US treasury markets. There has been little in the way of local headlines today although the JCI and IDR are both some of the worst performing markets for the session.

  • The INDON curve has bear-steepened with yields 1-5bps higher, the 2Y yield is +1.5bps at 5.32% and now trade back at May 2nd levels, 5Y yield is +4bps at 5.20%, the 10Y yield is +5bps at 5.31%, while the 5-year CDS is 1bp higher at 72.5bps.
  • The INDON to UST spread diff the 2Y is now 33bps (-0.5bp), 5yr is 57bps (+1bps), while the 10yr is 70bps (+1.5bps).
  • In cross-asset moves, USD/IDR is 1.43% higher at 16,248 we are now just slightly lower the the Apr and May lows, the JCI is down 1.50%, Palm Oil is 0.64% lower, while US tsys yields are little changed today.
  • Looking ahead, calendar is empty for the week