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MNI BRIEF: Fed's Barkin Open To Idea of Higher Neutral Rate


Richmond Fed President Thomas Barkin said Friday he is open to the idea that the neutral rate has shifted up "somewhat" even if some effects of Fed tightening have yet to be felt. 

A rise in r-star would mean policy is not as restrictive as thought, and that aligns with data showing the U.S. economy "has been much more resilient to rate increases than most expected and is likely to stay so as long as valuations remain elevated, and unemployment remains low," he said. 

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Richmond Fed President Thomas Barkin said Friday he is open to the idea that the neutral rate has shifted up "somewhat" even if some effects of Fed tightening have yet to be felt. 

A rise in r-star would mean policy is not as restrictive as thought, and that aligns with data showing the U.S. economy "has been much more resilient to rate increases than most expected and is likely to stay so as long as valuations remain elevated, and unemployment remains low," he said. 

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