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MNI INTERVIEW: Copom To Hold At 10.50% - Ex-BCB's Kanczuk


Former BCB deputy governor for economic policy Fabio Kanczuk speaks about Brazilian monetary policy.

A split within Brazil's Central Bank is likely to persist until the end of the year, with Copom potentially holding borrowing costs at 10.5% until an influx of political appointees change the balance of power, former BCB deputy governor for economic policy Fabio Kanczuk told MNI.

Kanczuk, now head of macroeconomics at ASA Investments, saw political overtones to this month’s split, which saw the BCB reduce its official Selic rate by 25 basis points to 10.50% with four deputies dissenting in favor of the 50-point cut indicated in the prior meeting's guidance. The dissenters, all appointees of President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, were much more dovish, Kanczuk said. (See MNI INTERVIEW: Split BCB Vote Sends Political Message-Velho)

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A split within Brazil's Central Bank is likely to persist until the end of the year, with Copom potentially holding borrowing costs at 10.5% until an influx of political appointees change the balance of power, former BCB deputy governor for economic policy Fabio Kanczuk told MNI.

Kanczuk, now head of macroeconomics at ASA Investments, saw political overtones to this month’s split, which saw the BCB reduce its official Selic rate by 25 basis points to 10.50% with four deputies dissenting in favor of the 50-point cut indicated in the prior meeting's guidance. The dissenters, all appointees of President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, were much more dovish, Kanczuk said. (See MNI INTERVIEW: Split BCB Vote Sends Political Message-Velho)

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