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No Decision On Use Of Frozen Russian Assets Expected At G7 Meeting - Lindner


Wires carrying comments from Germany Finance Minister, Christian Lindner, speaking at the G7 foreign ministers and central bank governors meetings in Stresa, Italy stating that there are, "many open questions about use of russian frozen assets, which will be discussed," at the meeting.

  • Lindner says there have been a "positive EU step on use of revenues from Russian frozen assets," but says that no final decision on the use of assets is expected at this meeting.
  • Lindner, an early advocate of using immobilised Russian assets to fund Ukraine, said at a G20 meeting in Feburary: "The European Union is working on how the proceeds from Russian assets can be used for Ukraine. That is a realistic, step that is legally secure and which can be implemented quickly and that is what we are concentrating on."
  • Lindner's comments come after Russian President Vladimir Putin today signed a decree authorising Russia to confiscate US assets to compensate for any Russian assets sized in the United States.
  • Bloomberg notes: "G-7 leaders are due to make a final decision at a June 13-15 [leaders] summit. While the US and its allies are closing in on the broad strokes of the agreement, many critical details are still being negotiated and would need to be agreed upon, according to people familiar with the discussions."
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Wires carrying comments from Germany Finance Minister, Christian Lindner, speaking at the G7 foreign ministers and central bank governors meetings in Stresa, Italy stating that there are, "many open questions about use of russian frozen assets, which will be discussed," at the meeting.

  • Lindner says there have been a "positive EU step on use of revenues from Russian frozen assets," but says that no final decision on the use of assets is expected at this meeting.
  • Lindner, an early advocate of using immobilised Russian assets to fund Ukraine, said at a G20 meeting in Feburary: "The European Union is working on how the proceeds from Russian assets can be used for Ukraine. That is a realistic, step that is legally secure and which can be implemented quickly and that is what we are concentrating on."
  • Lindner's comments come after Russian President Vladimir Putin today signed a decree authorising Russia to confiscate US assets to compensate for any Russian assets sized in the United States.
  • Bloomberg notes: "G-7 leaders are due to make a final decision at a June 13-15 [leaders] summit. While the US and its allies are closing in on the broad strokes of the agreement, many critical details are still being negotiated and would need to be agreed upon, according to people familiar with the discussions."