November 28, 2024 17:01 GMT
OIL PRODUCTS: Maersk Could Use 15%-20% Alt Fuels in Fleet in 2030: Reuters
Alternative fuels could account up to 20% of Maersk’s marine fuel consumption in 2030, as part of its net zero by 2040 goal, Reuters said.
- Maersk consumes around 10-11 MMt/y of fuel oil equivalent, of which 3% were alternative fuels in 2023.
- A shift to alternative fuels is likely to displace the likes of VLSFO.
- More and more shippers are placing orders for dual fuel ships which can run on the likes of LNG and Ammonia.
- There is also a growing production of bio-methane in Europe which is compatible in ships using LNG.
- Alternative fuels cost over double conventional fuels, Maersk said.
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