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Plans to Move Sea Borders With Finland, Lithuania Meet Protests From Neighbours

  • The Russian government have announced plans to change the borders of the country along the Baltic Sea - capturing a larger area next to Finland and Lithuania. The changes were detailed in a public document on the government website, and put forward fresh coordinates after Sweden and Finland's accession to NATO.
  • The Finnish President Stubb has stated that he is closely monitoring the border plans, but Russia has not been in touch on the topic. Meanwhile, Lithuania's foreign minister characterised the move as an escalation against the EU and NATO.
  • Late yesterday, Russian began a series of weaponry and tactical tests for their nuclear arsenal - part of a show of force to the US and Western partners, with Iskander and Kinzhal missiles both playing a part. The defense ministry have given no details on how long the drills will last, according to Bloomberg.
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  • The Russian government have announced plans to change the borders of the country along the Baltic Sea - capturing a larger area next to Finland and Lithuania. The changes were detailed in a public document on the government website, and put forward fresh coordinates after Sweden and Finland's accession to NATO.
  • The Finnish President Stubb has stated that he is closely monitoring the border plans, but Russia has not been in touch on the topic. Meanwhile, Lithuania's foreign minister characterised the move as an escalation against the EU and NATO.
  • Late yesterday, Russian began a series of weaponry and tactical tests for their nuclear arsenal - part of a show of force to the US and Western partners, with Iskander and Kinzhal missiles both playing a part. The defense ministry have given no details on how long the drills will last, according to Bloomberg.